Dragon Castle: Beautiful Multiplayer Mahjong Solitaire

This week we revisit a beautiful family favorite board game: Dragon Castle from Horrible Guild and CMON Games.

Dragon Castle

Dragon Castle from Horrible Guild is board game designed by Stefano Castelli that is “freely inspired by Mahjong Solitaire.” It’s become a family favorite and a game we bring out for gateway game nights due to its beautiful design and simple rules that usually appeal to new gamers.

Dragon Castle is set in a fantasy world where players take on the role of powerful dragons fighting for control of a castle. Players collect and arrange different types of tiles to build their own castle and gain victory points, while at the same time trying to prevent their opponents from doing the same. The game features elements of tile placement, pattern building, and hand management.

How it Plays

The gameplay of Dragon Castle is relatively simple. Players start with a small castle and a hand of tiles. On each turn, players can either draw a new tile from the central supply, or take a tile from an opponent’s castle and add it to their own. The tiles come in various types, such as shrines, gardens, and dragon dens, and each type has its own special abilities and victory point values.

The goal of the game is to arrange the tiles in your castle to form specific patterns called “Zen gardens”. Each Zen garden completed gives the player victory points. Additionally, players can gain victory points by placing dragon tiles in specific locations in their castle, or by having the most tiles of a certain type at the end of the game.

One of the key strategic elements of Dragon Castle is balancing the need to collect and place tiles with the need to prevent opponents from doing the same. Since players can take tiles from each other’s castles, players must be careful not to leave too many valuable tiles exposed or risk losing them to their opponents.

Artwork and Design

As you can see in our photos, Dragon Castle is a beautiful game. With artwork by Cinyee Chiu, the game is designed with a light and whimsical feeling. The stones, in contrast, are heavy and nice to hold. It’s a beautiful game to bring out to the table and usually loved by our friends as a light to middle weight board game.

Simple Strategies for Dragon Castle

Plan Ahead: As you gain more tiles and build your castle, think about which patterns you want to complete. Focus on collecting the right tiles to achieve your goals.

Watch Your Opponents: Keep an eye on what your opponents are doing. Try to prevent them from completing patterns. Consider taking tiles from their castles if they would be useful for your own patterns.

Small Patterns First: Some patterns are worth more victory points than others but it may be more beneficial to complete smaller patterns first. This will give you more victory points and also help to block your opponents from completing their own patterns.

Use Dragons Wisely: Dragon tiles have special abilities that can give you an advantage. Try to place them in strategic positions in your castle. Consider the abilities of each dragon tile and how they can benefit your game plan.

Small Hand Size: Try to keep the number of tiles in your hand as small as possible. This will give you more options on your turn and also prevent your opponents from taking the tiles you need.

Steal Tiles: Taking tiles from your opponents can be a great way to disrupt their plans and gain an advantage. Be mindful of the tiles your opponents have exposed and consider taking them if they would be useful for your own patterns.

Be Flexible: Be open to change your strategy as the game progresses. Always be aware of new opportunities that arise during the game and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Score Keeping: Keep track of your score and your opponents’ score to know when you are close to winning.



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